Evening Quest (11/19/24)

Evening Quest: The women’s quest group will meet on Tuesday, November 19th at 7:15pm in Lile Hall. We will listen to and discuss the podcast, The Next Right Thing. If you would like to be added to the email reminder list for updates, send a note to Krista Witkowski at kristago@yahoo.com.

Advent Workshop (12/8/24)

ADVENT WORKSHOP! Our annual Advent Workshop will take place after worship on Sunday, December 8th. We will gather for craft projects, lunch and a carol sing! We will have a chilli/soup lunch and dessert. Invite a friend and join in on the fun.   Suggested donation is $10/adult, $5/child


Love and Faith Alliance (LAFA)

  Christ Church's LGBTQIA+ group, Love & Faith Alliance (LAFA), will be meeting Sunday, January 19 @11:30 in the Acker Conference Room off of Barnwell Hall. Please join us for a time of fellowship and planning for 2025. For more information, please contact us at LAFA@ChristChurchSummit.org.  

Evening Quest (1/21/25)

Evening Quest: The women’s Quest discussion group will meet on Tuesday, January 21, at 7:15pm in Lile Hall for a guided visualization experience.   If you would like to be added to the email reminder list, send a note to Krista Witkowski at kristago@yahoo.com.

Progressive Dinner 2025

  Invites are out! The Progressive Dinner is our biggest social event of the year! We first join at a host home for appetizers, cocktails and conversation.  We then break out to host homes to enjoy a catered dinner, dessert and conversation in a more intimate setting.  It's a great way to meet and get...


New Member Sunday (2/2/25)

New Member Sunday: Our next New Member Sunday will be held on February 2nd. If you are interested in joining the church or learning more about becoming a member, please contact Rev. Julie Yarborough revjy@ccsnj.org or Laura Engelhardt at laura1920@me.com.

Navigating Life’s Journey

The Navigating Life's Journey Retreat has been rescheduled from Saturday, January 11 to Saturday, February 8. It will be held in Lile Hall from 9:00 am - 12:00 pm and light refreshments will be served. The event is free and open to the public and there is room for more participants. Please RSVP to revjy@ccsnj.org if you would like to...